Services | Strategy & Advisory Consulting


Strategy & Advisory Consulting

Ingeniva can help develop Critical Path Method (CPM) schedules, project cost controls & accounting systems, change order processes, and other controls. Our consultants can assess the reasonableness of existing controls at any point during the project life cycle against industry best practices. They provide ongoing project management support, including time and cost management, Earned Value Management System (EVMS) implementation, and other state-of-the-art project controls services.


The health check is a reflective learning exercise, a snapshot of the status of a project or programme, in order to identify what is going well and what areas need to be improved. Our consultants formulate a comprehensive roadmap that leads to the proposed improvements. This second opinion of a knowledgeable third party is often seen as refreshing, and empowers the project team to look at their current practices from a third person’s point of view.

The purpose of the check is to obtain an independent assessment of the project or programme’s performance in reaching its objectives, and its adherence to organisational/industrial project management processes and standards



Cost Engineer

A Cost Engineer can play a critical role in the success of a project by helping to ensure that it is completed within budget.

Monitoring project costs and identifying potential cost overruns. A Cost Engineer can help you to identify potential cost overruns early in the project, and to take corrective action to prevent those overruns from occurring.
Providing regular cost reports. A Cost Engineer can help you to keep track of project costs and to understand how they are impacting on the overall project budget.
Assisting with budget preparation and forecasting. A Cost Engineer can help you to develop a realistic project budget, and to forecast costs throughout the project lifecycle.
Supporting change management efforts. A Cost Engineer can help you to identify and assess the financial impact of potential changes to the project scope, and to develop a plan for managing those changes within the budget.
Conducting cost analyses. A Cost Engineer can help you to understand the underlying drivers of project costs, and to identify areas where costs can be reduced or optimized.
Overall, a Cost Engineer can play a key role in helping you to achieve the desired outcomes of your project, by ensuring that project costs are kept within budget and by providing you with the information and insights you need to make informed decisions about project finances.


Project Controls Manager

A Project Controls Manager can play a critical role in the success of a project by serving as a key figure in orchestrating and optimizing project controls efforts, ensuring seamless coordination and efficient execution of projects.

Some of the specific ways a Project Controls Manager can assist you include.

• Establishing a robust Project Controls Framework. This framework provides a solid foundation for effective project management and decision-making.
• Leading, supervising, and guiding the project controls team. A Project Controls manager ensures that the team is appropriately staffed with skilled professionals who can proficiently handle various aspects of project controls.
• Collaborating closely with project managers and stakeholders. the Project ControlsManager plays a crucial role in developing integrated project plans.
• Overseeing Project Performance Monitoring: The Project Controls Manager oversees the monitoring of project performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). Theyensure timely and accurate data collection, analysis, and reporting.
• Implementing Continuous Improvement Initiatives. Implementing these improvementsresults in more efficient project controls processes and better project outcomes.
• Facilitating Stakeholder Communication. They address concerns, clarify objectives, andmanage expectations, fostering a collaborative and supportive project environment.
• Risk Management and Mitigation. By proactively developing risk response strategies, the Project Controls Manager helps mitigate potential threats to the project's success.
Overall, a Project Controls Manager can play a key role in helping you by establishing a robust project controls framework, leading a competent team, and overseeing performance monitoring, the Project Controls Manager ensures projects stay on track. They play a strategic role in driving continuous improvement, managing risks, and fostering effective stakeholder communication.


BI Consultant

A Business Intelligence (BI) consultant is an expert who specializes in helping businesses leverage data to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and improve overall performance. BI consultants utilize technologies, tools, and methodologies to transform raw data into meaningful insights. Some of the specific ways a BI consultant can assist you include:

Requirement Analysis: BI consultants work closely with stakeholders to understand the specific needs and objectives of the business. They identify the key questions the organization wants to answer and the types of insights required.
Data Source Identification: Consultants help identify relevant data sources, both internal and external, that can contribute to generating insights. This could include databases, spreadsheets, cloud applications, and more.
Data Integration: They design and implement processes to integrate data from various sources into a centralized data repository or data warehouse. This ensures that data is clean, accurate, and readily accessible for analysis.
Data Modeling: BI consultants create data models that define how data elements relate to each other. These models form the foundation for creating reports, dashboards, and visualizations.
Dashboard and Report Creation: They design and develop interactive dashboards, reports, and visualizations that present data in a user-friendly and easily understandable format. These tools enable stakeholders to gain insights at a glance.
Data Analysis: BI consultants apply statistical and analytical techniques to the data to uncover trends, patterns, correlations, and anomalies. This analysis helps businesses make data-driven decisions.
Performance Measurement: Consultants define key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the business goals. They monitor these metrics and provide insights on performance trends, allowing for proactive decision-making.
Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics: BI consultants use advanced analytics to predict future trends and outcomes, as well as to suggest actions that can be taken to achieve desired results.
Data Visualization: They choose appropriate visualization techniques to represent complex data in a visually compelling and understandable manner. This enhances the ability of stakeholders to interpret and act upon the data.
Training and Knowledge Transfer: BI consultants train internal teams on how to use BI tools effectively. They ensure that employees are comfortable accessing and analyzing data independently.
Tool Selection and Implementation: BI consultants guide businesses in selecting the right BI tools and technologies based on their needs, budget, and technical requirements. They assist with tool implementation and configuration.
Data Governance and Security: Consultants help establish data governance policies and security measures to ensure that data is handled, stored, and accessed in a compliant and secure manner.
Continuous Improvement: BI consultants continually assess the effectiveness of BI solutions and recommend enhancements or adjustments based on changing business needs and technological advancements.
Strategic Insights: With a holistic view of the organization's data, BI consultants provide strategic insights that can drive business growth, identify opportunities, and optimize operations.
Decision Support: By providing accurate and timely data-driven insights, BI consultants empower executives and decision-makers to make informed choices that can lead to better business outcomes.
In essence, a BI consultant acts as a bridge between data and decision-making, helping organizations harness the power of their data assets to gain a competitive advantage, improve efficiency, and achieve their strategic objectives.


TA Planner

A Turnaround Planner plays a crucial role in industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas, petrochemicals, and others where periodic shutdowns and maintenance activities are essential for the safe and efficient operation of facilities. Turnaround planners are responsible for coordinating and managing the entire turnaround process. Some of the specific ways a Turnaround Planner can assist you:

Strategic Planning: Turnaround planners develop a strategic plan for shutdowns and turnarounds, considering factors like equipment lifespan, regulatory requirements, and production schedules. They ensure that the turnaround is scheduled at an optimal time to minimize disruptions to regular operations.
Scope Definition: They work closely with maintenance teams, engineers, and relevant stakeholders to define the scope of work for the turnaround. This involves identifying which equipment needs to be inspected, repaired, or replaced and what tasks need to be performed.
Resource Allocation: Turnaround planners allocate necessary resources, including manpower, materials, equipment, and tools required for the turnaround. They ensure that all resources are available when needed to prevent delays.
Scheduling: They create a detailed schedule for the entire turnaround process, outlining when each task will be performed. This includes planning for critical path activities to ensure that the turnaround is completed on time.
Budget Management: Turnaround planners manage the budget for the turnaround, monitoring costs associated with labor, materials, equipment rental, and more. They aim to complete the project within the allocated budget.
Risk Management: Identifying and managing potential risks is a significant part of turnaround planning. They assess risks related to safety, environmental impact, technical challenges, and scheduling conflicts, and develop strategies to mitigate these risks.
Communication and Coordination: Turnaround planners serve as a central point of communication between various teams involved in the turnaround. They ensure that everyone is on the same page, and information flows smoothly among maintenance, engineering, operations, and management teams.
Regulatory Compliance: They ensure that all regulatory requirements and safety standards are met during the turnaround process. This involves coordinating inspections, obtaining necessary permits, and adhering to environmental regulations.
Progress Monitoring: Turnaround planners continuously monitor the progress of the turnaround against the established schedule. If any deviations or delays occur, they take corrective actions to bring the project back on track.
Documentation and Reporting: Throughout the turnaround, planners maintain detailed records of activities, work performed, resources used, and any changes made. This documentation is important for future reference, analysis, and compliance reporting.
Lessons Learned: After the turnaround is complete, planners participate in post-turnaround reviews to evaluate the process and identify areas for improvement. This information is valuable for enhancing future turnaround planning and execution.
In essence, a Turnaround Planner helps ensure that a complex and critical maintenance operation, like a facility shutdown and turnaround, is meticulously planned, executed efficiently, and completed successfully, while minimizing disruptions and maximizing safety and operational performance.


Project Controls Engineer

A Project Controls Engineer can play a critical role in the success of a project by supporting the development and implementation of project controls.

Developing project schedules, budgets, and resource plans. A Project Controls Engineer can help you to develop detailed project schedules, budgets, and resource plans, to ensure that project activities are completed on time and within budget.
Monitoring project progress. A Project Controls Engineer can help you to monitor project progress, to identify and resolve issues before they impact the project timeline, budget, or quality.
Providing project status reports. A Project Controls Engineer can help you to prepare regular project status reports, to keep stakeholders informed about project progress, risks, and issues.
Conducting risk assessments. A Project Controls Engineer can help you to conduct risk assessments, to identify potential risks to the project, and to develop risk management plans.
Supporting project planning. A Project Controls Engineer can help you to plan and prepare for the project, to ensure that project activities are executed efficiently and effectively.
Overall, a Project Controls Engineer can play a key role in helping you to achieve the desired outcomes of your project, by supporting the development and implementation of project controls and by ensuring that project activities are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.


Contract Manager

A Contract Manager can play a critical role in the success of a project by managing the contracts and agreements that are required for the project.

- Developing and managing contracts. A Contract Manager can help you to develop contracts that clearly define the terms and conditions of the project, and to manage those contracts throughout the project lifecycle.
- Negotiating contract terms. A Contract Manager can help you to negotiate favorable contract terms with suppliers, contractors, and other project stakeholders, to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.
- Managing contract performance. A Contract Manager can help you to monitor contract performance and to take action to resolve contract-related issues as they arise.
- Providing contract-related guidance. A Contract Manager can help you to understand the terms and conditions of contracts, and to make informed decisions about contract-related matters.
- Supporting dispute resolution. A Contract Manager can help you to resolve disputes that may arise during the project, and to ensure that contracts are fulfilled in accordance with the agreed-upon terms.

Overall, a Contract Manager can play a key role in helping you to achieve the desired outcomes of your project, by managing the contracts and agreements that are required for the project, and by providing you with the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions about contract-related matters.


Implementation Consultant

An implementation consultant plays a pivotal role in assisting individuals, businesses, or organizations with the successful adoption and integration of new systems, processes, technologies, or strategies. Their expertise helps ensure that the implementation process is smooth, efficient, and aligned with the client's goals and objectives. Some of the specific ways implementation consultant can assist you include:

Assessment and Planning: An implementation consultant begins by understanding the client's needs, goals, and existing processes. They assess the current situation and develop a tailored implementation plan that outlines the steps, timeline, resources, and milestones required to achieve the desired outcomes.
Solution Customization: Depending on the project, an implementation consultant might work with software vendors or develop custom solutions. They configure and customize systems or technologies to fit the client's specific requirements, ensuring that the solution aligns with their business processes.
Change Management: Implementing new systems or processes often involves changes for the organization and its employees. Implementation consultants help manage these changes by developing strategies to communicate effectively, address concerns, and train personnel on using the new solution.
Project Management: They oversee the entire implementation process, tracking progress, managing tasks, and ensuring that the project stays on schedule and within budget. They identify and mitigate risks and challenges that could hinder successful implementation.
Training and Support: Implementation consultants provide training sessions to ensure that end-users are proficient in using the new systems or processes. They also offer ongoing support to address any questions or issues that arise post-implementation.
Data Migration and Integration: If data needs to be migrated from old systems to new ones, consultants ensure a seamless transition while maintaining data integrity. They also manage the integration of new systems with existing ones to ensure they work together harmoniously.
Testing and Quality Assurance: Consultants conduct rigorous testing to identify and resolve any bugs, glitches, or issues before the new solution goes live. This minimizes disruptions and ensures a smooth transition.
Performance Measurement and Optimization: After implementation, consultants track the performance of the new solution against predefined metrics and KPIs. They analyze results and make necessary adjustments to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.
Stakeholder Communication: Effective communication is key to successful implementation. Consultants facilitate communication among different stakeholders, including management, IT teams, and end-users, to ensure everyone is aligned and informed.
Continuous Improvement: Implementation consultants often facilitate post-implementation reviews to gather feedback and insights. They use this information to refine the solution and identify opportunities for continuous improvement.
Vendor Management: When working with third-party vendors or suppliers, consultants manage relationships and ensure that contractual obligations are met.
Subject Matter Expertise: Implementation consultants bring industry knowledge and best practices to the table, providing valuable insights on how to optimize processes, streamline operations, and achieve desired outcomes.
In summary, an implementation consultant guides clients through the entire process of adopting new solutions, technologies, or strategies. They combine their expertise in project management, change management, technical know-how, and industry knowledge to ensure that the implementation is successful, adding value to the organization and its stakeholders.


Construction Planner

A construction planner, often referred to as a construction scheduler or project planner, plays a vital role in ensuring the successful execution of construction projects. They are responsible for creating comprehensive plans, schedules, and strategies to manage all aspects of construction projects. Some of the specific ways a construction planner can assist you include:

Project Planning: Construction planners work with project stakeholders to understand project goals, requirements, and constraints. They develop a detailed project plan that outlines the scope, objectives, resources, timeline, and deliverables.
Scheduling: One of the primary roles of a construction planner is to create a detailed project schedule. They break down the project into tasks, determine task dependencies, and establish a timeline for each activity. The schedule helps manage the sequencing of work and ensures that the project stays on track.
Resource Management: Planners identify the resources required for the project, including labor, materials, equipment, and subcontractors. They allocate resources efficiently to prevent overallocation or shortages, optimizing productivity and minimizing delays.
Risk Management: Construction planners assess potential risks that could impact the project's timeline or budget. They develop risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans to address unforeseen challenges that may arise during construction.
Budgeting: Planners collaborate with project managers and financial teams to develop and monitor the project budget. They track expenses, compare actual costs to the budget, and recommend adjustments as needed to ensure cost control.
Scope Management: Construction planners ensure that the project remains within the defined scope. They monitor changes and variations to the scope, assess their impact, and communicate any necessary adjustments to stakeholders.
Communication: Planners facilitate communication among various stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and clients. They ensure that everyone is informed about project progress, changes, and upcoming activities.
Contract Management: For projects involving multiple contractors or subcontractors, planners manage contractual agreements, ensuring that work is carried out according to the terms and conditions specified in contracts.
Quality Control: Planners help maintain quality standards by establishing checkpoints for quality assurance and quality control throughout the construction process. They ensure that work meets specifications and adheres to industry standards.
Progress Tracking: Construction planners monitor the actual progress of work against the planned schedule. If deviations occur, they identify the causes and recommend corrective actions to bring the project back on schedule.
Reporting: Planners generate regular progress reports for stakeholders, summarizing accomplishments, challenges, and upcoming milestones. These reports help stakeholders stay informed and make informed decisions.
Submittals and Approvals: They manage the submission of documents, drawings, and plans to regulatory authorities for approvals and permits. This ensures compliance with regulations and legal requirements.
Stakeholder Engagement: Planners engage with stakeholders to gather feedback, address concerns, and incorporate their input into the project plan as appropriate.
Lessons Learned: After the project's completion, planners participate in post-project reviews to evaluate what went well and identify areas for improvement. This knowledge is used to enhance future projects.
In summary, a construction planner is responsible for orchestrating the entire construction process, from initial planning to project completion. They ensure that projects are executed efficiently, within budget, and according to the planned schedule while managing risks and maintaining quality standards.

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